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We take care of the environment, our ally

Respecting nature allows us to produce a wine that hides in it the aromas and flavors of the Roero.

Safeguarding the environment is important to Poderi Vaiot, where winegrowing traditions have always sought to establish equilibrium between man and nature.

All the treatments in the vineyard are controlled, and carried out with the utmost care and attention.

Most of the work is done by hand in order to preserve the land’s natural biodiversity.

Many wild herbs grow in Poderi Vaiot’s estate vineyards. They are beneficial to the ecosystem and to health, and the intention is to protect them, rediscovering their uses and properties.

Discovering the wild herbs of the Roero


Savory is a perennial plant, with an intense smell that is reminiscent of another herb which is widely used in cooking: thyme.

For this reason it is also known as “false thyme“.

It was used as long ago as Roman times to enhance the flavour of foods, and Germanic people used to use it as a flavouring in bean dishes, creating a tradition that still continues today.


White parsley

White parsley – especially the leaves and stems – is commonly used in the preparation of sauces, soups and fish-based dishes.

Not everyone knows, however, that it has many diuretic properties, and the dried leaves are an excellent cure for toothache, insect bites and bruises.

It is also used in traditional Chinese medicine to keep blood pressure under control.


Known in the Piedmontese dialect as “tneia”, this herb is easy to find here.

It grows in Poderi Vaiot’s vineyards, and has been used for generations in various infusions.

One of its main uses in the Roero is for the prevention of illness and maintaining good health, but it is also an excellent ingredient for homemade liqueurs and digestifs.


Wild chicory

Wild chicory is widely-used in wholesome recipes.


The reason is simple: it is packed with mineral salts, potassium, calcium and iron, as well as vitamins, and can be cooked or boiled and used as a base ingredient for herbal teas and infusions.

It is also a good alternative to coffee: the roots have to be clean, peeled and cut up, and once it has been dried it can be treated like normal coffee powder.


Malva has soothing, relaxing properties.


This is why its use is recommended for treating infections of the mucosa.

It also has laxative qualities, and can be used as a remedy for bloodshot eyes.

Its benefits are above-all concentrated in the flowers and leaves, which can be used together with other herbs to make healthy, scented infusions.

In cooking, it is used as a flavouring in soups.


Wild mint

There are many types of wild mint, and they all grow naturally on the grassland and hills of the Roero.

Commonly used in many different culinary cultures, in Asia it is an essential ingredient in chutneys.

The fresh leaves and flowers can be used to flavour salads, sauces and smoothies, and in making pastries in the place of peppermint essence.

Mint tea is excellent, both hot and cold.

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